Mind- Body- Spirit Well-Being

What is it about Massaah'g?

By site--va-bQ January 2, 2025
MASSAAH'G Bodywork and Coaching Appointment Cancellation Policy
By site--va-bQ December 30, 2024
Mamma's Foot MASSAAH’G Experience for your Retreat or Holiday Get-Away.
By site--va-bQ October 15, 2024
Gouty Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, and the Sacred HEARTS MASSAAH'G Approach
By site--va-bQ July 2, 2024
What's the Difference?
By site--va-bQ July 2, 2024
"All Hypnosis is Self Hypnosis"
By site--va-bQ June 24, 2024
Cultivating Work Flow and Family Harmony
By sites May 20, 2024
Massaging your partner is more than just a physical act; it's a powerful way to deepen intimacy and emotional connection in a relationship. When we take the time to touch our partners intentionally, we communicate love, care, and attentiveness in a language that transcends words. This tactile communication can enhance emotional availability by fostering trust and vulnerability between partners. One key aspect of massaging your partner is being highly aware of their responses to your touch. Just as a skilled massage therapist pays close attention to their client's reactions, tuning in to how your partner receives your touch can provide valuable insight into their needs and desires. By understanding where and how your partner holds tension, you gain a deeper understanding of how to support them physically and emotionally. Offering massages to your partner creates an opportunity for open communication about both physical and emotional needs. By actively listening to your partner's feedback and preferences, you can tailor the massage experience to their liking, ensuring that the physical contact is enjoyable and consensual. This open dialogue fosters trust and mutual respect, strengthening the bond between partners. In addition to enhancing intimacy, massaging your partner can be a great option for couples seeking alternatives to sexual intimacy. Whether due to personal or spiritual or religious beliefs, health reasons, or other factors, choosing to engage in therapeutic massage can provide a fulfilling way to connect physically without engaging in sexual activity. By prioritizing touch and affection, couples can nurture their relationship and deepen their emotional connection. Massaging our partner is about more than just relaxation and physical pleasure—it's a powerful tool for building intimacy, strengthening communication, and fostering emotional connection. By approaching massage with mindfulness, awareness, and open communication, couples can cultivate a deeper, more fulfilling relationship that nourishes both the body and the soul. If you're ready to incorporate massage therapy into your relationship to enhance intimacy and emotional connection, here are three actionable steps to get started:
By site--va-bQ May 7, 2024
The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the fifth primary chakra in the body's energy system according to various Eastern spiritual traditions, including Hinduism and Buddhism. It is located in the throat region, at the base of the neck, and is associated with the color blue. The throat chakra is associated with communication, self-expression, and authenticity. It governs our ability to express ourselves clearly and effectively, both verbally and non-verbally. When the throat chakra is balanced and open, we can express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas with confidence and ease. We are able to communicate honestly and authentically, while also listening attentively to others. Imbalances in the throat chakra can manifest in various ways. If the chakra is underactive or blocked, individuals may struggle with communication issues such as difficulty expressing themselves, feeling shy or inhibited, or experiencing throat-related problems like sore throats or thyroid issues. On the other hand, if the throat chakra is overactive, individuals may speak too much or too loudly, dominate conversations, or struggle with speaking the truth tactfully. This can also manifest as HYPER-thyroidsim; OVER-active thyroid; or GRAVES disease (autoimmune disorder of the thyroid; symptoms include bulging eyes). Balancing the throat chakra involves practices that help to open and align this energy center. These practices may include:
By sites May 3, 2024
In my experience, incorporating celery and a rich variety of fresh, living, plant juices and foods; such as fruits, leafy vegetables, herbs, and wild foods - offers a transformative approach to nourishing our bodies with what we can aptly describe as a physical form of "living water." This practice allows us to draw from the life-giving energy of the sun, channeled through these vibrant gifts of nature, for deep cellular healing and overall wellness.

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The first step in self-care is making a CHOICE to make a CHANGE to TRANSFORM your Life. Let's find a time where we can meet and talk about what you would like to achieve. 
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